Monday, 4 April 2011

D is for.. (and A and B and C!)

D is for... Daring
The dive was dauntingly ambitious. The turbulent waves below called mockingly as if in challenge to the pale soft flesh above. Thoughts ran in circles around her head, as unable to be still and silent as the relentless tide below. Strong fingers run through cropped short hair and rub salty breezes from open glazed eyes, the horizon did not seem so far away. One small step towards the invincible line that ruled all. One small step. The air rushing around snapped material tightly around her figure, whipped her hair like rats tails against her tightly squeezed eyes. Scrunched toes met icy oblivion, biting at her limbs. Her eyelashes darkened as water pervades through to open glazed eyes. A pull on strong muscles defeating the thick density of the foe, a gasp of precious air. Breakthrough.  
C is for... Command
Thick black smoke pervades through invisible sustenance.
Delicate pastel flowers surround an exhausted, great, felled oak,
Dancing flames lick and char, while playful rain runs paths on leaves.
Gentle winds and earthy allure play divine games across humble lands,
When roaring flame and surging seas take their cruel command.
B is for... Bumble Bee
Buzzing bumbling bumble bee, 
busy bumbling by.
By buzzing, bees boast big bristles,
brushing, blushing bluebells.

I wanted to see if I could write something using only Bs!
A is for... Aardvark
The poor little Aardvark is so readily scorned,
The first in the dictionary, and so often adorned
with the misnaming of Anteater, when it is not really so.
But really, if you must begin with not one A but two,
Well then, there you go!

'The aardvark (Orycteropus afer) (afer: from Africa) is a medium-sized, burrowing, nocturnal mammal native to Africa. It is the only living species of the order Tubulidentata, although other prehistoric species and genera of Tubulidentata are known.'

Hope you enjoyed my variety of titbits! Sorry It's all in one load, -slaps wrists. See you tomorrow!
Em x